Auckland Builders Take Over Renovations

by | Sep 6, 2016 | New Homes
You may have heard that The country’s biggest town planning exercise is now complete and Auckland Council has signed off on its Unitary Plan. This unitary plan is important for all of New Zealand, as Auckland is under siege from rapid population growth, sky-rocketing house prices and a chronic shortage of affordable homes.
So what is the Auckland Unitary Plan? It is a combined plan made up of a:

- Regional Policy Statement
- Regional Plan (including a Regional Coastal Plan) and a
- District Plan for the Auckland region.
The Auckland Unitary Plan will replace the existing Regional Policy Statement and the 12 other district and regional (legacy) plans.
When it’s operative, the Auckland Unitary Plan will include provisions that help to decide:
- what can be built and where
- how to create a higher quality and more compact Auckland
- how to provide for rural activities
- how to maintain the marine environment.
The final plan has been seen as a solution to the housing crisis. However, the changes are steep and will challenge everyone’s view of normal. The past 18 months to 2 years have seen an acceleration in new home builds. But long gone are the single family homes nestled on big sections, especially in the suburbs close to inner city Auckland.

On the North Shore the single house zone will drop by 17.9% while mixed housing urban will increase by 11.7% and terraced housing and apartment zoning will rise 12.4%.
In South Auckland the single house zone will drop by 25%, mixed housing urban will rise by 64% and terraced housing and apartment zoning will increase by 34%.
On the isthmus, single house zoning will drop by 42.5%, mixed housing urban will increase by 64.3% and terraced housing and apartment zoning will rise by 21.3%.
The unitary plan says there will be room for residential capacity for more than 400,000 new homes over the next 30 years.
So what does this mean for you and I? Already there are constant ads on TV and Radio begging for young people to join up to building apprenticeships. The boom is happening and there is no end in sight. The housing crisis has long been underestimated by those in power. Check any social media sites or news sites however and the reality is very different. People need housing. The chronic shortage in Auckland has caused property prices to sky rocket and people who are needing more room in their current homes are now contemplating renovating instead of selling and purchasing. What if you sell and there is no home to move into?
If all the builders are further caught up in the new developments trying to get on top of Auckland’s housing crisis – are they going to consider your small deck job? The new bathroom you desperately need? Your garage conversion? Possibly not… what happens to the Mum-and-Dad homeowners who need an addition or require small renovations made to their homes? The demand on builders is high and is only going to increase. With high demand a rapid rise in the cost of securing a trusted builder is going to be seen. To combat this, a rising brand of construction workers is coming to the fore – that of the renovation specialists.
Renovation specialists are licenced building practitioners but instead of taking on the large development building projects, they specialise in renovations, remodelling and rebuilding your current home. Why is a renovation specialist a good choice for your job? A renovation specialist will work with your vision and with the dimensions the room that you are having remodelled in order to make your vision of the finished, remodelled room a reality. Additionally, a renovation specialist will know where to get construction materials at a discounted price so that he or she can work within your budget for the project. Furthermore, a renovation specialist will assemble a team of subcontractors and oversee their work in order to make sure that the job is done efficiently and effectively while catering to all of your needs.
A renovation specialist will also be able to give you quality remodelling advice should you have other remodelling projects in tow. They can design custom add-ons and additions and will completely plan out your vision of how the redesigned room should look.
Change is always difficult to understand and to accept. However, don’t let the legal changes put you off moving forward with your plans to renovate. Whether you are planning, already have plans or need a reliable company to pick up someone else’s slack Maintain To Profit Renovations is your professional partner in providing affordable key turn solutions. We are qualified, certified, experienced and ready to do any size renovation work throughout New Zealand.
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MTP Renovations are one of New Zealand’s leading renovating specialists, we have helped hundreds of satisfied clients - now its your turn!