Has Lockdown Highlighted The Need For Renovations?

June 22, 2020

by  | Jun 22, 2020 | Other Building News


The response to the COVID-19 virus has meant we New Zealanders have spent a lot of time in our homes lately.

Almost overnight, we went from going about our usual routines to being at home 24/7.

That change would have looked different for every family. Some would have needed space to work from home, an area to homeschool the kids, a space to relax, or even room to accommodate extra family members in your bubble.

When you spend a lot of time in the same space, you really start to see things you wouldn’t have noticed before.

Suddenly, your home can seem too small, too big, or not quite right for your needs any more.

Instead of selling up in search of the perfect property, it could be time for some renovations. That way, you can create the exact home you need for your lifestyle – whatever it might look like.

Has lockdown highlighted the need for renovations at your place? Then here’s what you need to consider…

Making Your Home Work For You

Your home is your castle and at any time it should function in a way that supports your lifestyle. However, your lifestyle might have changed a little bit lately!

To match that new lifestyle of working from home, having family members working from home, or finally fixing that aspect that hasn’t been functioning well, you might be eyeing up some renos.

The thing about renovations is that it is not a “one size fits all” situation. You want to ensure you are making the right kind of changes for yourself, your family and the way you utilise your different spaces.

It would be such a shame to be disappointed with the results at the end of the project! So, renovations take a bit of planning before any work begins.

You want to really consider your end goal. Is it more room for the family, a dedicated space to work, a bigger kitchen, better flow, or all of the above? Having a plan to work with will make sure you end up with a home you are excited to live in.

The Importance Of A Professional Team

The lockdown might have seemed like the perfect time to tackle a few DIY projects around the house. After all, the weather was good and you did have all that time on your hands.

But, did they turn out the way you wanted them to? Did they have a slick professional finish, or was it a case of that will do for now? Maybe there were a few false starts and the projects remain incomplete.

When it comes to major renovations, you want to have the confidence that they are done properly. That means, safely, securely, on time and to building code. Unless you are a builder yourself (or have one in the family), it usually means hiring a professional to get things done right.

Often, renovations turn up issues you didn’t know existed before. After all, it is hard to say what might be in behind the walls or under the floor of a 50, 60, 75 or 100 year old property. Having a professional managing the project will mean that any concerns are dealt with easily and efficiently.

P.S. That’s code for you not having to worry about replacing a roof truss or how you might relay plumbing pipes throughout your family bathroom!

You are busy enough as it is, you don’t want to have to manage a build project also. By using a professional team like the ones here at Maintain To Profit, you simply need to tell us what you want and we handle the rest – from start to finish.

Renovation Options

Options for your renovations stretch as far as your imagination does. You can go as small as a repaint or as big as adding another room or storey to your home.

The important thing is choosing what is going to make the biggest impact on your lives that stays within your budget. With so many amazing advancements, you can choose to make your home bigger, more sustainable, smarter, or energy efficient.

While your renovations need to work for you, it is worth considering renovating to add value to your home also. That way, if you ever do decide to sell, you will maximise the return on your investment. Kitchens, bathrooms, extra bedrooms, or an outdoor living space are always money well spent.

Ready to make your home work for you now that lockdown restrictions have lifted? Then get in touch with the Maintain To Profit team. We are able to help with any project – big or small.


Related blogs:

When is the time to Renovate and Redecorate?

Short Guide to Planning Your Home Renovation Project Today

Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Renovate?

Step By Step Guide To Renovations

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